57th Annual Civic Employees Bonspiel
A casual fun event for new and experienced curlers alike.
At least two curlers per team must meet the following eligibility at time of entry: • Current employees • Current contract employees • Retirees of the City • Registered on the City Seniority List • Former employees of the City of Winnipeg who continue to contribute to the Civic Employees’ Pension Fund.
Spouses of curlers who meet the above eligibility requirements (see Rule 1) are also eligible to enter so long as they are curling with their spouses.
One curler who does not meet the eligibility requirements as per Rules 1 and 2 is allowed per team and can curl at any position.
Each rink must have at least one member of a different gender.
Spares are as follows: a) Spares must play lead. b) Spares shall not be on a registered rink in the bonspiel and must meet eligibility requirements (Rule 1). c) If a team has only one regular player of a different gender, that person must be replaced by a spare of the same gender. d) If a team is forced to play with 3 players, one must be of a different gender. The lead and second to throw three rocks each. e) In the event the only player of different gender must leave a team for any reason after the game has started, the team will be allowed 20 minutes to find an appropriate spare or forfeit the game. (see Rule 5c and 5d). f) An ineligible player on a team will forfeit the game and the team may be disqualified from the bonspiel as per committee decision. g) Spares must comply with eligibility rules. (see Rules 1, 2).
Responsibility of rinks showing up for games shall rest solely with the skips.
Each event draw sheet lists the Game No., winner to loser to
All games to consist of 8 ends with a bell at 1 hour and 45 minutes. When the bell rings you are to finish the end you are playing and play one additional end. In the event of a tie, one member of each team will throw one rock with two sweepers. The team with the rock in the house and closest to the button will be declared the winner. For the semi-finals and finals, extra ends will be played until a winner is declared.
Skips of winning teams are responsible for returning game cards to the office IMMEDIATELY after each game.
One point will be awarded to non-offending team for every 5 full minutes and one end is considered played. Non-offending team has choice of last rock or rock color at start of game. Game is forfeited in 30 minutes.
Rinks must play when drawn or default.
M.C.A. rules to govern with exception of above.
Draw times are 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm.
Reasonable exemptions can be requested up to and including Friday night.
Please contact Pat Carson at patcarson13.pc@gmail.com if you require an exemption.